Dedication is a time in which parents acknowledge the gift God has given them and make a commitment before the Lord to raise their child according to God’s Word and God’s ways (1 Samuel 1:11, 26-28).
Two things to consider before Dedication:
1. Dedication of children is a Christian act of giving children to God for His glory. This would be a good time to reflect on your personal relationship with Jesus. Some things to consider… “Are we committed believers? Are we growing in Jesus? Do we live to please the Lord in our speech, thoughts, and actions? God is honored by hearts that genuinely desire to please Him, not perfect, but desire to live by His Word and His ways.
2. As you prepare to dedicate your child, please pray about what steps, or changes you need to make, to raise your child according to God’s Word and to one day help them make their own decision to follow Jesus (Proverbs 22:6).
What is the difference between dedication and baptism?
At New Life Community Church, we dedicate our children to the Lord rather than baptizing them. There are several reasons for this:
First, there are no incidents of infant baptism in Scripture. Baptism is evidence of Christian faith. The practice of infant baptism began hundreds of years after the time of Christ; it was never practiced in the early church.
Additionally, while some groups suggest that baptism imparts a special grace to children, there is no scriptural support for this. The Bible is clear that nothing, not even baptism, can remove our sins – only our faith in Jesus Christ can do that. (Ephesians 2:8-9) In the Bible, baptism is a statement of faith, not a sacrament (or means of faith). As such, it requires a level of understanding and commitment that is not possible for infants and small children. Often adults who were baptized as children desire to be baptized again as an expression of their decision to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Infant dedication is an act of parents who want to acknowledge God as the giver of life and commit themselves to raising children in the training and instruction of the Lord. Baptism, however, is an act of obedience on the part of an individual who has experienced salvation through Jesus Christ and desires to publicly testify of this experience. For these reasons, we do not baptize infants or small children.
Can a parent assign godparents?
Although the term “godparent” is not used at New Life, we do welcome parents to invite friends and family members committed to supporting them to attend the dedication service.
Can I dedicate my child if I am not married?
Each family is addressed individually, and we would like to talk with you about your situation before the dedication if you are unmarried. We want all parents, including single parents, to do their best to raise their children to be a follower of Christ. Additionally, we encourage single parents to dedicate their children as they commit themselves to raising them without the presence or partnership of a spouse.
Please complete and plan on attending the Dedication meeting one week prior to Dedication Sunday.