“…Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness.” 1 Timothy 4:7 (NLT)

Our Training for Life ( T4L) classes are designed to help people take their next step in their walk with Jesus and build a foundation for their life that is based on Christ and His word. These classes are helpful for anyone who is new to the Lord or wants to grow in their relationship with Jesus. 

Why should you join Training for Life ?  Our life with Jesus happens one step at a time. Because this is true, you want to make sure your "first steps" are moving you closer to Him.


Levels 1 and 2 - $25

Level 3 - $40

Ephesians - $25



All classes will be held every Monday night from 6:30-8:30 pm on Monday, February 3, through Monday, March 17th. Level 3 will end on Monday, March 31st.

Students will begin with Level 1, then in the next season move to Level 2, and finish with Level 3. The Ephesians class is open to those who have completed Levels 1-3. You will register for the needed level each season. Please do not register for multiple levels; registration is only for the current season. (Childcare is not provided.)

For class descriptions, see below:  

LEVEL ONE - First Steps: Growing In Your Faith One Step At A Time 

As a student, you will discover how the Creator of the Universe uniquely designed you to experience a life of fulfillment and purpose. In Level One, you will also be introduced to spiritual disciplines that will cause the Word of God to change your life forever. The Word of God fills you up through Bible reading, journaling, and Bible memorization. Whether you are brand new to the family of God or a mature believer, Level One is a gradual step into Training for Life, focusing on “The Love of God”. The last class will cover what it means to be a “member” of New Life. If you desire to go deeper in your relationship with the Lord, Level One will be a powerful first step.


LEVEL TWO - The Holy Spirit:  Who He Is And Why It Matters?

As you continue the T4L program, you will be challenged to discover and rediscover the foundational truths of God’s Word. In Level Two, you will learn how to live a victorious Christian life by understanding the nature of our battle and the authority we have in Jesus Christ. Our primary focus in Level Two will be on the Person of the Holy Spirit. On the night before His betrayal, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to His disciples. He was so excited about this, He said it would be better for His followers to have the Holy Spirit with them than to have the person of Jesus Christ with them (John 16:7-14). He also warned them not to do anything until they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. In Level Two, we will cover topics like spiritual warfare, the person of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and more.


LEVEL THREE – Change That Lasts: Becoming Spiritually Mature By Being Emotionally Healthy

 Level Three is considered the most intense and rewarding level because of the drastic changes that your life undergoes to live a life of freedom. Level 3 is 8 weeks long.  For so many Christians, things look OK on the surface of our lives, but the truth is, most followers of Christ are:

·      unsure how to biblically deal with anger, sadness, and other emotions

·      defensive and incapable of revealing their weaknesses

·      threatened by and intolerant of different viewpoints

·      prone to withdraw from conflict rather than resolving it

In Level Three, you will acquire the knowledge and tools that can help you look beneath the surface of problems – break the power of past wounds, failures, brokenness and– honor personal boundaries and limitations and learn how to embrace grief and loss.

The current class is full and registrants will be waitlisted for an open spot or for the next session.


EPHESIANS – This 6-week class is an in-depth study of the book of Ephesians. The letter of the Ephesians is Paul’s call to allow the Gospel story about Jesus to reshape every part of our own life stores. Ephesians invites us to consider what God has made us to be, do, and have in Christ for a display of the gospel to the world.

 ***Requirementsmust have completed all 3 levels of Training for Life.