First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Marriage is sacred to the Lord, and because of that, we believe that a couple should not live together before they are married. Are you willing to comply make this commitment?
Yes, I am willing to make a commitment to not live with my fiance before we are married.
God has designed sex for the context of marriage, because of that, we believe that a couple may not engage in any form of pre-marital sex until they are married. Are you willing to remain sexually pure until you're married?
Yes, I am willing to make a commitment to honor the Lord by not participating in sexual behavior with my fiance before our wedding night.
1. Name of future spouse
2. Length of acquantance
3. If engaged, for how long a period
4. Wedding Date
5. Number of previous engagements
6. Number of previous marriages
7. Number of children in your parent's family, including yourself
8. Check the type of community in which you spent most of your childhood and youth:
Ventura County
small town
medium-sized city
large city
9. Check the highest level of schooling completed now or which you plan to complete soon:
high school
some college
M.A. degree
Ph.D. degree
professional degree
10. Check what you consider to be the social status of your parents in their community:
one of the leading families
upper class
middle class
lower class
11. As a child, did you have:
many friends
some friends
few friends
almost no friends
12. As a child, did you feel:
frequently lonely
occasionally lonely
seldom lonely
13. Your appraisal of adequacy of your sex education received as a child from sources other than your parents:
fairly adequate
almost none
14. Your appraisal of adequacy of your sex education received as a child from your parents:
fairly adequate
almost none
15. Your appraisal of the family atmosphere while you were a child:
much happy relationships
a limited amount of happy relationships
almost no happy relationships
16. Your adjustment to grade school was:
very happy
moderately happy
not at all happy
17. Your attitude toward your father when you were still a child:
very strong attachment
considerable attachment
mild attachment
mild hostility
considerable hostility
very strong hostility
18. Your attitude toward your mother when you were still a child:
very strong attachment
considerable attachment
mild attachment
mild hostility
considerable hostility
very strong hostility
19. Your appraisal of the severity of your discipline while a child:
very severe
quite severe
very mild
almost no discipline
20. Check what you consider to be the marital adjustment of your parents during most of your childhood and adolescence:
divorced or separated
married but in bitter conflict
married but rather unhappy
married and fairly happy
married and very happy
21. Your appraisal of the adequacy of your knowledge of puberty and sex when you entered adolescence:
very adequate
relatively none
22. Your appraisal of your degree of independence from your parents during adolescence:
completely independent
quite independent
somewhat dependent
very much dependent
23. Your appraisal of your dating habits during high school:
dated many different individuals
went steady with many different individuals
went steady with only one
dated very little
24. Your wish for your children's future dating behavior as compared to your experience:
very much more conservative
a little more conservative
about the same degree of freedom
very free
25. Check what you consider to be the extent of the dominance your father exerted over the other members of your family:
very dominant
generally dominant
dominant now and then
not at all dominant
26. Check what you consider to be the extent of the dominance your mother exerted over the other members of your family:
very dominant
generally dominant
dominant now and then
not at all dominant
27. Approximately how many times have you discussed your future financial plans and problems?
28. What has been the result of these discussions:
new insight for both
happy agreement
temporary disagreement
bitter disagreement
29. Have you discussed a budget:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
30. Have you discussed savings:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
31. How much debt are you bringing into this marriage?
32. Have you discussed both spouses working:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
33. Have you discussed buying a home:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
34. Have you discussed who will manage the money:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
35. Have you discussed your occupational plans:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
36. Have you discussed household furnishings:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
37. Which of these topics caused conflicts?
1) Budgeting
2) Savings
3) Spouses Working
4) Buying a home
5) Who will manage the money
6) Occupational Plans
7) Household furnishings
38. Which of these would you like to discuss and why?
1) Budgeting
2) Savings
3) Spouses Working
4) Buying a home
5) Who will manage the money
6) Occupational Plans
7) Household furnishings
39. Approximately how many times have you discussed your future activities and problems?
40. What is the result of these discussions:
new insight for both
happy agreement
temporary disagreement
bitter disagreement
41. List the recreational ACTIVITIES OF YOUR FUTURE MATE that you do NOT participate in:
42. List the recreational activities that are important to YOU that your future mate does NOT participate in:
43. List the different recreational activites in which you and YOUR FUTURE MATE have participated as a couple more than once in the last six months:
44. In what church did you receive your childhood religious training?
45. How intensive was it?
46. At present, how long have you been attending New Life?
47. Approximately how many times have you discussed what you believe with your future mate?
48. What has been the result of these discussions:
new insight for both
happy agreement
temporary disagreement
bitter disagreement
49. Have you discussed how your belief in God will influence how you will raise your children?
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
50. Have you discussed church attendance?
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
51. Have you discussed birth control?
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
52. Have you discussed how your beliefs will shape your marriage?
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
53. Which of these areas caused conflict?
1) How your belief in God will influence how you will raise your children
2) Church attendance
3) Birth control
4) How your belief in God will shape your marriage
54. Which of these topics would you like to discuss and why?
1) How your belief in God will influence how you will raise your children
2) Church attendance
3) Birth control
4) How your belief in God will shape your marriage
55. How often have you worshipped together in the last 6 months?
56. Rate your religious interest by answering the survey questions below:
Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements.
My faith in God is central to who I am and every decision I make:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
My FUTURE MATE'S faith in God is central to who they are and every decision they make:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
57. Approximately how many times have you discussed children and how they will be raised?
58. What has been the result of these discussions:
new insight for both
happy agreement
temporary disagreement
bitter disagreement
59. Have you discussed methods of discipline:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
60. Have you discussed number of children:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
61. Have you discussed sex education:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
62. Have you discussed when you want children:
No we have not discussed the issue.
Yes we have talked but we do NOT agree
Yes we have talked and we DO agree
63. Which of these caused conflict?
1) Methods of discipline
2) Number of Children
3) Sex education
4) When you want children
64. Which of these topics would you like to discuss and why?
1) Methods of discipline
2) Number of Children
3) Sex education
4) When you want children
65. Approximately how many times have you seriously discussed the degree of sexual intimacy you should permit while going steady or being engaged?
66. What has been the result of these discussions?
New insight for both
Happy agreement
Temporary disagreement
Bitter disagreement
67. Have you discussed birth control?
No we have not talked about this topic
Yes we have talked but we have NOT reached an agreement
Yes we have talked and we HAVE reached an agreement
68. Have you discussed achieving good sexual relations in marriage?
No we have not talked about this topic
Yes we have talked but we have NOT reached an agreement
Yes we have talked and we HAVE reached an agreement
69. Have you discussed how you show affection towards one another?
No we have not talked about this topic
Yes we have talked about this topic but we have NOT reached an agreement
Yes we have talked about this topic and we HAVE reached an agreement
70. How free have you been as a couple in demonstrating affection?
Very inhibited
Somewhat inhibited
Quite free
Very free
71. How free have you been as individuals in putting your affectionate feelings into words?
Very inhibited
Somewhat inhibited
Quite free
Very free
72. Which of these caused conflict?
73. Which of these would you like to discuss?
74. Approximately how many times have you seriously discussed your relations now and in the future with your in-laws?
75. What has been the result of these discussions?
New insight for both
Happy agreement
Temporary disagreement
Bitter disagreement
76. Have you discussed the proximity of your home to your in-laws?
No we have not talked about this topic
Yes we have talked but we have NOT come to an agreement
Yes we have talked and we HAVE come to an agreement
77. Have you discussed your dependence on your parents?
No we have not talked about this topic
Yes we have talked but we have NOT come to an agreement
Yes we have talked and we HAVE come to an agreement
78. Have you discussed the degree in which your in-laws may interfere in your marriage?
No we have not talked about this topic
Yes we have talked but we have NOT come to an agreement
Yes we have talked and we HAVE come to an agreement
79. Have you discussed how to achieve happy relation with your in-laws?
No we have not talked about this topic
Yes we have talked but we have NOT come to an agreement
Yes we have talked and we HAVE come to an agreement
80. Which of these caused conflict?
81. Which of these would you like to discuss?
82. Approximately how many times have you discussed the degree to which you understand each other's emotional needs and meet them?
83. What has been the result of these discussions?
New insight for both
Happy Agreement
Temporary disagreement
Bitter disagreement
84. Have you felt any need to be better understood?
85. Have you felt any need for warmth and closeness?
86. Have you felt any need for more tenderness?
87. Have you felt any blocks in expressing your own feelings?
88. Have you felt any hostility over dating conflicts?
89. Which of these caused conflict or withdrawal?
90. Which one of these would you like to discuss?
91. When you discuss a problem with your future mate, can you talk:
Very easily
With some difficulty
With great difficulty
92. As you think about the conflict noted previously, how would you characterize your method of settling disputes?
Future wife gives in
Future husband gives in
Matter is never settled
Matter is settled by give and take
Some matters are avoided which tend to cause unhappiness
93. In these disputes, what is the result?
Quick forgiveness
Period of feeling estranged
An agreement to forget the matter
An attempt later to solve the problem
94. In these disputes, can you:
Easily express resentment
Sometimes express resentment
Rarely express resentment
95. Indicate your degree of agreement on the following items:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Goals in life
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Amount of time spent together
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
96. Please list the things which have troubled you regarding your coming marriage:
97. Please list the irritations or annoyances which occur when you and your intended mate are together:
98. If you could make your mate "to order", what things would you change about him/her?
99. If you could relive your courtship with your intended mate, what things would you not do or do differently from what actually occurred?
100. Have you ever fallen into or been a part in any way of the following sins? (Sexual)
others seeing your nakedness
you seeing another or other's nakedness
pornography/telephone sex/cyber sex
101. Do you have any of the following present in your life? (Addictions/Destructive Habits)
sleeping disorders
eating disorders
frequent tardiness
drink in excess
drug abuse
excessive foolish talking
dirty language
breaking promises
obsessive indulgences
excessive computer playing
addiction to video games
making light of things
bad attitude
addiction to TV
adult movies
102. Describe your relationship with your father.
103. Describe your relationship with your mother.
104. Describe your relationship with your children.
105. Describe your relationship with your fiance.
106. Describe your social life.
107. What is the one thing you hoped WOULD NOT be asked in this questionnaire?
108. What is the one thing you hoped WOULD be asked in this questionnaire?