One Hour Prayer Plan
Jesus asked His disciples in the garden why they couldn’t stay awake and pray for one hour. For most people the thought of praying one hour seems totally out of reach. But below is a simple plan to help you spend the next hour in prayer by talking & listening to Jesus. Please take about 10 minutes for each section.
1. Praise God
Start your hour in prayer by praising & thanking God. Praise is an important type of prayer. It sets our heart in a right place to receive His blessings.
Read Psalm 150; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19
As the music in the sanctuary is playing, feel free to walk, sit, kneel as you sing & worship the Lord. Thank God for His provision, protection, salvation, freedom. Praise Him for your family, your health, your job, your home, etc.
2. Read the Word
Next read Matthew 6:9-15 slowly. Use this passage as a template to continue your prayer time. You may also want to read other bible passages that talk about prayer (Philippians 4:6; Mark 11:24; Ephesians 6:18).
3. Confess your sins
Read 1 John 1:9
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any attitudes, habits, practices, etc. that could be displeasing to Him. These things should be confessed to the Lord so that you can be cleansed of your sin.
4. Pray for others
Read 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Next pray for:
* Our nation: Pray for peace in America. Pray for our political & spiritual leaders
* Our state/city: Our governor, mayor, city council, policeman, fireman & first-responders.
* Our church: Children’s ministry, youth ministry, young adults, ministries, Training 4 Life, Life Groups, etc.
*Our Families - Strong in the Lord, reconciliation, healing, marriages, salvation for family members.
* First Things First event: That begins January 22. Pray for the speakers, worship team, and volunteers. Pray for salvation, breakthroughs, deliverance, healing, etc.
* Our local Elementary Schools, Middle Schools & High Schools: Pray for teachers & students.
5. Pray for your own needs
Whatever you think about, pray about. Ask God for the things on your heart. Pray for your physical, emotional, relational and financial needs.
6. Listen to God
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that He is God.”
Wait on the Lord. Be still and silent and let Him speak to your heart. Invest some time in letting the Lord bring everything you read, prayed, sung, etc. together so He can speak to you.
7. Communion
Finally, end your one hour with communion. At the front of the sanctuary is a table with communion elements on it. Next, read 1 Corinthians 11:23-29. After you read the passage & meditate on the words of Jesus use this as a time to:
* Look back: On God’s faithfulness in your life. Thank Him for your salvation & everything He’s given to you in Christ
* Look within: Consider if there are any attitudes, habits or actions you need to change
* Look up: Thank God for sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ
Then, receive the cracker and then juice.
8. Praise God
Finish your time by thanking & praising God once more for the time you spent with Him and the things He spoke to you. Praise Him for His incredible attributes.